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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  August 30, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> we have a developing story pit the final night for the republican national convention is right now. grant is monetary the convention. grant. >>grant: this is a client looked. you can see the crowd cheering very enthusiastic. mit romney is getting his chance to explain his plan to the people. >> i wish president obama has succeeded because i want america to succeed. the this problem and -- his promises gave way to
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disappointment. this is not something we have to it except. we can do something. and with your help we can do something. >> i'm american. we deserve better. my children deserve better my family deserves better. white children -- ameritech deserves better -- america deserves better >>grant: there was a surprise speaker. it was clenched -- clint eastwood. >>grant: we are asking you which speaker did you like the most.
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we will have the results live tonight. >>pam: we are falling developing news at yosemite national park. they say that the park service was warned years ago about the spread of the disease could appeared there was someone from the department of health services could >> these people that contracted the hantavirus those six. they have died to recovering and was hospitalized. it is unknown with the six person was then in the meantime there's 91
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signature tends to get cabins have been closed. park officials believe that there was a design flaw and the wall cabins. the cabins are being santa taught a is -- sanitize and redesigned. >> >>pam: when is the park service said pin >> the park service says
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that since 2010 they have been given this cavan's deep cleaning. they have been giving it a good scrub. >>pam: with the holiday weekend coming up what to expect? >> within the last few days they have gotten a lot of cancellations. if you want to comment duquesne call and make reservations now -- if you want to you can make reservations now were you can even walk in. >> kron 4 crews are heading to the park tonight. we're going to have much more on this story. >>dan: hispanic women at have been targeted and oakland. the oakland police department's special
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victims unit is investigating several robberies of hispanic women that have escalated to sexual assault. >> guess he had been like that. >> this hispanic woman is describing to an interpreter because she was the victim of a recess saccharide >> each remington the grampian any put his hand right here. and when i came back i had a close of pit cristina believe that--said the hispanic women are
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reluctant to support -- report o'clock the crime. >> this woman did come forward to the the least a part after going to the association. >> see said that the oakland police from the very nice people. >>pam: new tonight, a suspect tried to speed away with a salt police and crashed his car to two other vehicles. then police chased him down on foot. no one was hurt. >>pam: and other developing
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story appeared isaacs' is downgraded to a tropical depression. louisiana is still covered in water. people are paddling to get around. officials say more than 200 rescues to place on thursday. about 3000 people in one of the areas in louisiana did not evacuate and are being threatened by the rising waters. >>jaqueline: there are still spots where are seeing rain.
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we are still seeing thunderstorms moving through that area. the notice that we are seeing a lot of yellow on the screen and here in little rock arkansas. noticed that the line of thunderstorms is still moving through new orleans and baton rouge louisiana. a flash flood watch is in effect until 11:00 could >> >> stay with kron 4 as we
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continue to track the tropical depression isaac. >>pam: we're learning more about the man accused of opening fire in the movie theater in colorado. calls was in court today and still is not entered a plea. this happened at the showing of a batman movie and color on it. >> a firefighter is a 14 year veteran and severed by heart attack during the fire. dalian as has the latest bid dollar and >> doctors said that his
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acquittal will -- critical but stable condition. >> doctors say that the firefighters suffered from a severe are attack after coming out of the fire. >> i'm sure your hard to wipe out to him and his family right now. >> this is a tough day for all this. this is a tough day for the city. the lead >> it took him and his fellow firefighters to put out a large fire. >> there toting heavy equipment and they're working in high stress job it and then at the end of
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this are to come down, they have all of their hormones raging. they are very much at risk. he is in his early '40's. no one else was hurt at the fire scene. they say that the parishioners at the st. patrick's cathedral were running for their life this morning. the dollar and >> a lot of firefighters are at the hospital to visit their friend fire fighter. the fire is still under investigation >>pam: beattie about the new role for the fans.
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>>pam: stairs so intel's list of their many security changes >> it is quite simple. if you get kicked out of that an nfl game like the one here at candlestick park you have to take it on my course. >> these are some of the occurrences that we are becoming accustomed to seeing. there are brawls between fans. nfl officials say that if
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you get to that of the game you must take an online for hour course. there's some people that were are reviewing it up outside of candlestick park. denver not happy especially when i told them the course costs $75. >> if you show up before taking the course will be arrested for trespassing >> i don't believe that's right pit they will save the contact information of those opposed -- of those take out. >> some people not be -- should not be allowed back ever cared they do not know how the be paid. >> i, the officials and
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york city at nfl that there are not as many arrests because they're making the each objections from the park. >>pam: news tonight, and a legal dumping ground was found in antioch. it is at a cemetery. cemetery employees believe they know who was responsible. >> that visit pile -- that is a pile of garbage but i am not standing in a landfill. they also found a vendor
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receipt with the appeared they believe that the company and its upper could be responsible for leaving the burke debris behind here >> why would people dump their garbage on hollowed ground. >> they put the vial of police report but the police departments said that they did not have to date -- resources right now pit the owner of -- the manager of the cemetery is willing to call the person whose name is on the receipt to see if the the to the bottom of the dumping.
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>>pam: this is saddam oppose it on line. the first leak of the documents provide a first- class -- first peak at the sediments of the pipeline this person the-explosion in san bruno and. here are today's highs. >>jaqueline: a live look outside the golden gate bridge you can see that there is low visibility. it is due to the fog. tomorrow will cooled down and saturday it will because
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of the cool but sunday that temperature will warm up. taken with the juror extended forecast. there is cool weather for the next couple of days. you can get the latest temperatures in forecasts on the new kron 4 comcast channel 193. it is quick and convenient and always on. >> the giants to try to combat appeared they as a tried to come back to cleveland.
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>> people who have seen the dolphin swimming in the canal have been watching for the dolphins to come out and take a picture. the people that see them swimming are worried about that. >> there in a bunch of litter and garbage pin it must not be good for that. >> they say on this side of
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the breads for quite some time. most of the day. they believe that they were scared off by the cars going of the bridge. >> one of the dolphins was not moving at all really. he was tried to question and that it pin >> @ you can see one of the dolphin slapping its tale of the water. officials said that the flapping is to help the of the lead make its way to the water. officials did not want to intervene in fear of stressing the animals out. they're hoping that they swim back out to the golf on their all. they're hoping that they'll eventually find their way back to the bay. >>
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mit romney just wrapped up his speech for his acceptance of the nomination. we will have more after the break. [ female announcer ] they can be enlightening.
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in the upper 50s >>jaqueline: with that your extended forecasts. a cool down will continue as
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we head into tomorrow. the temperatures will stay cool on saturday as well. >>vicki: our new 24-7 news channel is all about convenience. there went to look at the screen. right down here it is the temperature right now. and next to that is the 7 day forecast. and then down below is the news crawl with the latest breaking news. and this big box you can find news and weather information and to live in video from bay area bridges.
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we hope be given a try. with like some feedback on our facebook page. a 24-7 news channel as always on on kron 4 comcast 193. >> hello giants fans in houston. it is not looking good for the giants. we get the top of the seventh and the giants make a comeback. now is tied 4-4.
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this may have a double the brings in home runs and now the score is 6-4. the final score is 8-4 pit they are four games ahead of the dodgers. >> this is after they made a four game sweep. the bases were loaded and the top of the fourth inning hit a drive to the center field and it was a basis clearing double. and the top of the fifth is 6-2. then the home run was hit. it was 8-2 at that point
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pit the a's swept the indians. >> today's game is one last chance for the players on the bubble to make an impression. >> this is really hard. you see how much they put into a. you see the effort. and you know where they are in the career and where they're going. it's hard to pick a 53 man roster. >> he said to be a
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successful team you need a few bad citizens. he thought that noter dame was improving. that was probably a bad choice of words. he is off the broadcast. >> they say everything is bigger in texas this is the 18,000 seats high school stadium. the cost taxpayers $60 million. and has a high definition video screen.
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>> tennis star came to his 30th birthday party -- has his 30th birthday today and he said that he is willing to be retiring from tennis. he won a grand slam at a young age. >> i don't think that i am healthy enough were committed enough to go one more year. i have a lot of family and
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friends here. and i have thought all year that i would know when i came to this tournament record >> taken with a squirrel on the court. both players were a bit annoyed. there were trying to chase this world off with tennis balls. >> when we return, we will see a car covered with post- it notes. whose car and why when we come back.
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>> alright here is a promotion that is about as exciting as watching paint dry. this is because it is watching paint dry. >> out of the prank file check out the post-it notes. a player for celtics decided to cover his car was sticky notes. if you have a question or comment please e-mail us at the website right there. >>pam: we will be back tonight at 11:00 with all of
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the news. see you then.
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